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Primary Sources

Meslier, J, (2009). Testament: Memoir of the thoughts and sentiments of Jean Meslier. (Shreve, M, Trans.). Prometheus Books. (Original Work Published, 1729).

Secondary Sources


Bristow, W. (2017). Enlightenment. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. <>.


This website provides information to contextualize Meslier's work to understand his motivations for the Testament. 


Devellennes, C. (2017). Radical atheism: Jean Meslier in context. In S. Ducheyne (Eds.), Reassessing the Radical Enlightenment. (pp. 160 - 178).


This book, as a whole, tackles the ideas of the Radical Enlightenment and tells what it entailed through essays dedicated to specific and important thinkers during that time; one of which is Meslier. The chapter on Meslier unpacks his life a bit, discusses how he was radical, his atheistic views, and his political views. This source provides a good understanding of Meslier while also contextualizing him in a bigger and broader movement in philosophy and thought generally.


Deism. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (n.d.).


This website provides information to understanding Voltaire's deism generally. 


Hudson, W. (2014). Atheism and Deism Demhytholgized. In W. Hudson, D. Lucci. J. R. Wigelsworth (Eds.) Atheism and Deism Revalued. (pp. 13 - 24).


This is a chapter in a book focusing on understanding the intricate differences between atheism and deism, and it functions as a way to better contextualize and understand the differences in Meslier and Voltaire's anti-Christian stances. While the contrast between Voltaire and Mesleir will not be the main focus of this website, I believe that having one section dedicated to it will provide a thoughtful analysis of both philosophers, their differences, and the effect Meslier had on Voltaire; this chapter will be fruitful understanding their theological differences. Further, this chapter will also help to provide a better understanding of Meslier's atheism, by clarifying how atheism existed in that time period.


Morehouse, R. A., (1936). Voltaire and Jean Meslier. Yale University Press.


This book is focused on comparing and contrasting two important Anti-Christain philosophers: Meslier and Voltaire. The book has an overarching goal of inquiring into the influence Meslier had on Voltaire and there are chapters discussing how both approach arguments against Christianity and its doctrines. Meslier and Voltaire did not share the same theological views, but Voltaire heavily edited Meslier's writing to give the impression both were deists, when in fact Meslier was strictly an atheist. This work will be used to compare and contrast some ideas of religion, as well as, highlight some of the lasting impacts Meslier's work has had.


Onfray, M. (2006). Jean Meslier and "The Gentle Inclination of Nature". New Politics, 10(4).


This article in the Journal of New Politics provides a very detailed and unique look into Meslier and his political ideas and also contains a pretty good timeline of Meslier's life. This source will help to better understand and interpret Meslier's political beliefs and how he was incredibly radical and liberal for his time. Overall, I think this source, while very long, has some very good pieces of information that will help facilitate understanding of many aspects of Meslier. 


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